November 22nd, 2004

*sighs about her broken streak of blogging on Wednesdays*

m-flo released a new single, “let go,” last week. It’s part of their m-flo &#9829 … series, with rotating vocalists. I mean, who doesn’t love rotating vocalists? m-flo’s worked with Dragon Ash, BoA (yes, that BoA), Crystal Kay, and a whole slew of others. It adds an interesting dimension to their work; every song is different, and they span a variety of genres.

Anyway, onto the single.

The A-side, “let go,” is a strangely soothing R&B ballad combined with a kind of soft rapping from VERBAL. I can’t decide which part I like better–YOSHIKA’s singing or VERBAL’s quasi-rapping. In either case, it’s a slick track that got stuck in my head quite easily. The contrast between the two elements might seem a little odd, but I can only say that it works. Well.

叶わない恋におぼれても このまま
夢から覚めたくない CAN’T LET GO

“The Other Side of Love” is a collaboration with Sister E. Whoever she might be. It’s quite a bit different from the A-side; also, strangely enough, it’s completely in English. Sister E performs admirably here. Meaning: no Engrish! (On the other hand, it’s possible that I’ve become so used to Asian artists singing their indiviual varieties of Engrish that I really can’t tell the difference any more…) I’m not quite as fond of this as “let go,” but it’s a fine song in its own right. … except that lyrically, it seems trite.

In my heart, I know the day will come
We’ll be laughing and dancing in the sun
What I’ve found has never been enough
I keep searching for the other side of love

A live version of “miss you,” a song featuring melody. and Ryohei Yamamoto, is the other B-side. Now, this track redefines fun. :biggrin: It’s practically 9 minutes long, but the track is so filled with energy that it’s just… fun! I loved the original to begin with, and I was really looking forward to hearing this track. melody. sounds quite good live.

I don’t know why すき間のない 迷いのない態度 Is that プライド?
Cash or card 金で買えるもの何でも与えても She always says no

I gave her this, I gave her that かざれるものは
夢のようだけれど Diamond rings are not forever
Name anything, 宇宙船 That blings just anything
月の光までも So baby come close to me

Random query: why, when m-flo is in lowercase, are TAKU and VERBAL always written in capitals?

This entry was posted on Monday, November 22nd, 2004 at 10:24 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “(m-flo &#9829 YOSHIKA) let go”

haru Says:

I definitely agree with you that this is a very smooth track. Starts off slow, then goes into the faster paced beat track. She definitely has a good voice (one of the better ones) I just wished they had brought up more of her vocals and less of the other ones.

As for your question on why m-flo is lower case and the others are capitals? I don’t think there’s any other reason other than it looks bold or preference. just like on japanese tv, katakana is used for emphasis when the word is normally seen in hiragana or kanji.

just my 2 cents.