And now for some happier news. Today Sam and I went to our volunteering committment at the Lookout (an organization that provides low-cost housing.) We went there with our volunteering group, and we helped out in the kitchen 😀 First, we had a few problems FINDING the place. There was no big sign, and when we happened upon a building we thought might be it, we were told “no.” So then we saw our leader person approaching and she seemed sure this is it. So we followed her, and it turned out we WERE in the right place. 😀 Then we starting prepping for kitchen work. Aprons, and tying hair back, and washing hands. We made lots and lots of sandwiches 😀 We had a kinda-sorta assembly line going on. Sam buttered the bread, I stuck the ham and lettuce on, and Alex cut them. We made an AWFUL lot of sandwiches. Ran into a few problems when we ran out of meat, but then Albert said that he’d brought his turkey. Which, by the way, was FROZEN and needed to be defrosted. Then we had too much, so we put some on crackers instead. 😀 Which were very messy and hard to eat. Unfortunately, only about 20 people showed up for our delicious lunch.
We started playing with the whipped cream that Nicole had told us to buy. We asked everyone if they would like “whipped cream with fruit — I mean, fruit with whipped cream.” Heh. One guy consented. Then we started playing with it. Albert had some with his apple. 😀 It was hilarious. I tried some on popcorn. 😀 Then Albert ate his orange. With whipped cream. We had LOTS left. Whipped cream is very very very funny XD
Making sandwiches is fun too, I think. ^_^
June 15th, 2002