January 18th, 2005

You know how those lemming surveys that get propogated around blogs (and email and xangas and LJs) usually include a question asking “If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?” I usually don’t write much for those questions because there’re too many things about myself that I find unsatisfactory. Indecision comes into play and I don’t know what to pick!

Well, now I do. I’d get rid of my cursed absentmindedness which causes me to lose books, keys, lunchbags, umbrellas, and other such vital items. In fact, by now, I’ve probably forgotten that I’ve lost some of these things. Hrm. I have a good memory for absolutely random things–I can tell you that when I got my first pair of glasses, the frames were tinged with pink and fuschia and I was wearing a pink sweater that day (the opticican commented on it); I can tell you that for every lepton, there is both a corresponding neutrino and anti-neutrino (muon, tau, and electron, if I’m not mistaken); I can even tell you that the man who drove the last spike in the CPR was Donald A. Smith.

Probably it has something to do with my always being in a rush, but that’s not really a habit that’s going to go away anytime soon.

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