January 23rd, 2005

WHEREAS Michael has revived his blog; and
WHEREAS some people who read this blog read that blog too,
NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that you all go read his blog now; and
LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that people keep blogging.

See, this is what happened when I get bored before an exec meeting and start wandering around the Student Union Building. I read Council Minutes!

*has just been subtly reminded that she owes people layouts* Send me an email, people, you know who you are (and, hopefully, you know what my email adress is :tensed:). Procrastinators unite! Tomorrow. (Slogan on the back of one of George’s t-shirts.)

This has been one random entry. So I think I’ll add some coherency to it.

In case you were wondering about the spammers, they’ve slowed down. A lot :biggrin: SK has caught every single spam comment and let all the others through ^_^ So far, that’s saved me deleting 372 comments. Hopefully it’s good enough to keep the spammers away forever.

I’ve been plugging away at both Le libraire and Le coeur est un muscle involontaire. They’re different enough books that I can keep the characters straight in my head (unlike, say, two Jane Austen novels.) I’m actually enjoying Le libraire more than I thought I would, actually, which can only be a good thing, right? The latter is more difficult to slog through because of the slang… although I find the random bits of English amusing. How often do you find random bits of French in English novels? (Okay, so there was some in The DaVinci Code, but it was all glossed. I think.)

I also read Eats, Shoots & Leaves this weekend. It’s a great book. Who would have thought that punctuation could be so interesting? Or that a stickler needn’t be alone? Oh, hrm, there’s actually a good quote about the use of emoticons like 😉 in there–we’re demeaning noble punctuation marks by making them into eyes, noses, and mouths! 😯 The author makes a good point when she says that using colons and semi-colons is addicting. I think I actually had that written on my composition for the myth test in grade 10. Heh. :pirate: I think it might have happened to me in Socials, too.

My hard drive is now making funny sounds. 😮 I think this means that I should format the thing soon, which means I’ll need to back up all 20 GB >_>;; I’ve only been putting this off for five months…

I’m really looking forward to CORE OF SOUL’s new single, which comes out on Wednesday. I downloaded the PV for it (a streaming version can also be found at their official site), and it’s just so cute–they have a little boy introducing them! :kawaii: The video itself is kinda odd, certainly not one of my favourites, but at least it makes sense. In a music video kind of way.

I’ve given some serious thought to starting work on a COS fansite again. Last time, my host disappeared on me, but with some careful planning this time (and a better host :cry:) that shouldn’t happen. I think it’s time this group had an English fansite, anyway.

It’s always fun to listen to covers. I download a cover of Train’s “Drops of Jupiter” this weekend, and… well, it’s different, but I like it. Tanya Chua sings it; her English is quite good (not surprising, given that she’s from Singapore) but her rendition is a little breathy and lacks the power of the original. w-inds. (Japan’s answer to, um, the whole boyband phenomenon) did a cover of Clay Aiken’s “Perfect Day,” and that’s just funny. XD It’s about an amicable breakup, while the original is… not about an amicable breakup. :weird:

This entry was posted on Sunday, January 23rd, 2005 at 10:38 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

2 Responses to “Heh heh heh…”

Anthony Says:

I thought the slogan was on the front of George’s T-Shirt. We’ll have to track him down. And visit my blog too!

Bobby Says:

When did you become an exec?