I hope this doesn’t get moderated. :biggrin: And I think I really need to see that Monty Python sketch 😀
Well, after deciding to lie low for a while (and by a while, I mean a few days) the spammers have come back. Luckily, I’ve had nowhere near the initial rush of comment spam–SK has deleted 691 comments, and not a single false positive, which makes me happy. Unfortunately, the spammers are moving onto trackback spam. That might help if I er, actually used trackbacks. Oddly enough, I can’t seem to find trackbacks to any spam sites, so I guess I’ll count myself lucky, then?
Oh, I read this interesting interview with a link spammer. I’m not any more sympathetic, but I guess I can understand where they’re coming from. Still, doesn’t it make them even slightly uneasy to be exploiting people’s stupidity? I guess not.
Oh, and is it just me, or has the size of spam emails increased as the free email providers tried to outdo each other? Maybe it’s not that the individual emails are any larger, but that my accounts can hold a lot more of them. :tensed:
月はなんで 明かり照らすの
I wonder why flowers die
I wonder why birds can fly
I wonder why the wind blows
Why does the moonlight shine?何故ボクはココにいるんだろう
キミに出逢えた事 それは運命
I wonder why I’m here
I wonder why you’re here
I wonder why I met you
Meeting you—that was fate