Hypothetical conversation between new cellmates:
“So, what are you in for?”
“Insider trading, how about you?”
“Oh, so it was you who sent me all those–”
Conversation ceases as cellmates begin scuffling. Muffled cries of “not… personal!” and “moron … inbox” are occasionally heard.
One can only hope. :tongue:
I just found out that a man has been sentenced to nine years in jail for spamming. It’s kind of nice to see spam being taken seriously–when 70% of all emails are spam, that’s a serious and unnecessary drain on resources to the benefit of few and the deteriment of many.
More locally, the spam comments here haven’t really stopped. I estimate there have been several thousand deleted either manually or by Spam Karma since I first noticed the problem. On the plus side, I don’t think any legitimate comments have been sentenced to moderation, and only a few have made it through to be displayed on the blog. :cheerful: