I should be working on my Socials essay. I’m not. I’m feeling lazy and procrastinating and I just want school to be over! >:O!! Eck. I think I won’t do anything else on the computer tonight, I think I’ll just edit it by hand (oh, you know what I mean), find all the references, and make sure my arguments are sound. **Tomorrow** I’ll sit down and type everything in. It shouldn’t take too long but I do have some other things on my plate. >.>
I really hate phoning for donations. Sure, I haven’t even tried once yet, but it does feel a little odd to phone people and ask them for stuff. And I still need to phone the office! >.> Grr! Why am I so busy? Maybe I should spend less time online… Eh, that’s probably the answer.
Before I go I leave you with a quiz!
You are **Artemis**, the goddess of the hunt and the moon. You personify the independent, achievement-oriented feminine spirit.