July 4th, 2005

So, I was at the mall last weekend, ordering something from the A&W, when this little girl and her mother line up behind me and start talking in Japanese. By some freak coincidence, I can understand about 50% of what they’re saying, and I can guess the rest from non-verbal communication.

Quite sadly, I think that’s more than all the French I’ve heard and understood in a non-academic setting. I had meant to check out the Festival d’EtA~(c), but I was working and well… I also forgot. I did really want to hear that one chanteuse, though. Ah well. There’s always next year. And French cartoons to keep me happy. I wonder if they have Teen Titans in French?

You know, if we got decent anime on our Cantonese channel, I’d watch that, too, but since we don’t (I think the stuff we get is even older than Sailor Moon >_>) I’ll have to stick with my romantic comedies. I think I enjoy those the most. The historical ones don’t really appeal to me since a lot of the vocabulary goes over my head, but the police ones are okay.

Ah, I did see Kung Fu Hustle last week, which is the first Cantonese movie I’ve watched in a really long time. That was weird. Well and truly weird, and not really typical of a Cantonese movie at all. A bit too much CG, for one thing, and I can’t remember the last time I saw such a nonsensical movie.

At least I understood most of it without the subtitles.

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