June 30th, 2002

Yay! I got my first ever paycheque today ^_^ Aren’t you all proud of me? I worked 20 hours last week at 6 dollars an hour… you figure it out. Meh heh heh. Sandwich artist. Me. That’s what someone said today, actually. “That sandwich… it’s a work of art.” Well, why do you think they call me “Sandwich Artist”? 😀 And besides that, I got $2 in tips! Yay! (Yes, Kley, I know it’s not that much but it will have to do.)

I am rather tired though. Standing for eight hours straight is kinda tiring X.x So now I am sitting in front of the computer. 😀 I want a freezie.

This entry was posted on Sunday, June 30th, 2002 at 9:39 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “Paid!”

Winson Says:

Hmm…sandwich artist…what an exciting occupation to have! 😀