May 4th, 2006

We’re all sufficiently removed from exams that it’s okay to point out the funny parts, eh?

French Lit: Nothing that funny, or weird. We were waiting for exam time to roll around, when two prof-looking guys approach the glass doors. “Oh, there’s our prof,” says one of the girls. “Which one is he?” “The bald one,” I say bluntly. For some reason, this causes them to dissolve in giggles. I don’t get it. :confused:

Nothing else of note happened in exams until we hit organic chem. Well, people’s cell phones kept going off during the French exam, and one girl had a very obnoxious ringtune. Her half-hearted attempts to stifle it were met by a “Could you turn that thing off?” from the invigilator and a brusque “use both hands” from the course coordinator.

Prof: “We haven’t put out enough exams yet. If you can’t find a paper, come to the front and we’ll make this row into an exam row.”
[shuffling ensues]
Prof: “There should be one extra paper somewhere. I know how many we put out, and I know how to count. [nervous twittering from students] Unless we’ve got an extra person in here.”
[pause, students file into the extra row]
Prof: “This is CHEM 204, not CHEM 123, that’s on the other side of the building.”
[The sound of a chair being pushed back. Some hapless first-year has stumbled into the wrong exam. We all applaud him for… I’m not sure what we applaud him for, but we do it anyway.]

Oh man, those crazy first-year students. XD You have to wonder: Didn’t he realize everyone else was studying something different? Didn’t he realize something was weird when he didn’t recognize a single person there?

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One Response to “Exam stories”

Naddie aka eiki from LJ Says:

Well to be fair, the guy’s probably too busy studying for his exam at the time that he didn’t realize there are no one there whom he recognizes xP