November 2nd, 2006

… is one heck of a fantastic ride. 😀 Every hockey fan needs to see this. Seriously. That includes all the guys. Everyone who wants to know how to swear in Québec needs to see this.

It was a bit comforting to watch it; I recognized the accents immediately and almost felt like I was in Québec again.

Ah, but seriously, though, I think it’s about to disappear from the second-run theatres, so let’s watch it on DVD! (I think I’m going to buy this film when it comes out. How can I not? Franglais, mes amis, franglais, it’s a beautiful language :D)

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One Response to “Bon Cop, Bad Cop”

Mike Says:

Blast it. i wanted to watch this at the Norm on Thursday, but I would have been home too late, and I was already half-asleep on Friday. I am planning to watch it though. Oh, and you can also learn Quebec swearing from any book on the Montreal Canadiens 😛