April 15th, 2007

… a work term report.

So, I walk into a store looking for a DVD of Howl’s Moving Castle and end up buying Vienna Teng’s Warm Strangers album instead. And for significantly less than that time I saw it at HMV. (Sarah, let me know if you want to hear these two live tracks that only came out on the re-release: “Hope on Fire” and “Boy at the Piano”.)

I have also received my new mp3 player (which, so far, is working just fine) and my massive CORE OF SOUL order.

I’ve also been listening to LOVE’s (Fukiko Nakamura, ex-COS) first release and while it’s not bad, it’s not quite all I expected. There’s also an mp3 floating around of one of Song Rui’s (ex-COS guitarist) new collaboration thingies (it’s in Mandarin!) and I almost like that one better. Except for the vocals part.

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4 Responses to “Procrastinating”

Neale Says:

Word to the wise: the English theatrical release of Howl’s Moving Castle contains one of the most awkward anime dub lines I’ve ever heard.
[spoiler, although it kinda comes out of nowhere in the movie]
“I’m that prince from that neighbouring country that’s been missing!”
Glad to hear you’re been doing good… good procrastination! 😛

Cat Says:

Oh, I know. That was just weird. (“I know that spell!” *coughgag*) The entire movie is full of plot holes and things that aren’t really explained, but I liked it a lot better than Spirited Away.

I always feel like I’m the only one who wasn’t entirely enchanted with Spirited Away, though.

Sarah Says:

“Boy at the Piano”! *_* I love “Boy at the Piano”! If only I knew the first thing about playing jazz …

Thanks for “Kaleidoscope,” by the way – it’s become my next favourite COS song after “Full Moon Prayer.”

Cat Says:

See? I told you it was all kinds of pleasing 😀 Actually I’m almost surprised it wasn’t released as a single, but I actually like all of the songs on that album (and now that I think about it, there’s no real interlude in it…)

Anyway, so I’m kind of having a fangirl moment and have realized that Waking Hour is vying with Warm Strangers for best Vienna album ever. I even think Waking Hour is winning at this point.