Finally, I finished my essay. >.> Footnoting and bibliographizing is hard work, despite what anyone may tell you. (I know I’m making up words. It’s 10pm. Sue me. :PPPPPPP) I looked over my sources and they actually pretty pathetic. Oh well. It was still a lot of research! >:O!! Yes. Oh well. Not to mention by printing out four copies of my paper, I ran OUT of paper. >.> And I only have a title page for the one for my teacher ^^; Oh well. I’m sure he’ll understand. (The reason I have to make four copies is that the second part of the assignment is an oral defence. Other read your paper and then they ask questions about it and then you’re graded on that. Fuuuuuun. Oh well. Mine’s not till June 3rd, luckily. That’s…. a while from now.)
Grr! And I just found out I have to hand another copy in, so I’d better get my friend to print it for me. GRAH! Why do I have to hand in a copy for myself?! IT’S ON MY COMPUTER AND AS SOON AS I GET PAPER I CAN PRINT IT!! GRAH!!!!
(What is this “grah” thing? Is it like *whee*?)