August 21st, 2002

Which Evangelion Child Are You?

Which Evangelion Child Are You?

Whee!!! I’m on a Rei obsession right now. And I’ve never even SEEN Evangelion. I’d love to, though. But renting is too expensive. ;_; It’s really not worth it to pay 6 dollars for maybe two or three episodes at the video store.

I saw some Eva stationery at the night market a few weeks ago. My mom dragged me away before I could get a better look, though ;_;

And… I am working tomorrow, and am also stuck on a {{link SCM}} riddle (if you join, please say gemtiger referred you) and I NEED PHOTOMAX!! AGGGH!!!

I’m dying without a graphics program. HTML is all nice and dandy, but webpages gotta LOOK nice.

Speaking of SCM… Blue (my team), Crimson, and Violet are all tied for the silver medal in the flag match. ARGH. *is pulling hair out* and the event lasts for another week! That’s too much time, if you ask me. Who needs nine days to look up thirty flags? I mean, I found the majority of them in about half an hour. My team members, of course, reviewed, corrected, and added to my answers. Sure, some people will be missing the event. But the others will pick up the slack, surely.

*sigh* enough ranting. Is anyone who reads my blog a member of SCM?

This entry was posted on Wednesday, August 21st, 2002 at 10:40 pm and is filed under general. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

One Response to “Whee!”

Winson Says:

Why don’t you get a trial of Paint Shop Pro? And I think I might be able to get th full version for ya through a good friend of mine. 😀