August 28th, 2002

Okay, well here I go blogging again! Whee! Anyway…. Went to Link Crew today. Volunteered for A-team. Spent day making newspaper balls. Was not overly happy with that. I still think I was happier doing this, though. Oh! The really annoying part was the waiting for the counsellor and various other people to fix my schedule. –;; Then we got kicked out by the custodian. So… I have to go back, earlier, tomorrow… and I’mm feeling so tired NOW…. Ah well. Went out for bubble tea, as well. :9 Yum. Good bubble tea, this time….

And then, um, spent some time on the computer. Actually, quite a bit. Oh well. ~_~ It’s summer. I might as well enjoy it while I can ;_;

Link Crew is actually a lot more widspread than I thought. I went to {{link Google}} to search for ‘ “Link Crew” blog ‘ and actually got quite a few hits. A lot of them were rather old, as well… most of them were in the U.S. though. A lot of California ones, actually…

I also searched for “disgruntled IB students.” Which is what I’m sure I’ll become next year XD

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