(As an aside: I do not like titles for my weblog posts. If I wrote a blog on a topic as opposed to using my blog as an online diary, then they would be useful; as it is, the title is just kind of a formality. Do you title entries in handwritten journals? I don’t. [Yes, I keep one of those, too.])
I feel lately that life has become perfunctory. It’s especially bad around Christmas/New Year’s, as I always seem to be doing the same kinds of things:
- Clean … somewhat
- Consumerist buying spree
- Have coffee/tea with friends
- Listen to wintery songs
- Eat chocolate
- Worry about school
- Avoid the MJ at family gatherings
I suppose the argument could be made that these are traditions, but–when you’ve been doing this for the last week, it’s nothing but routine. Boring routine, at that.