November 26th, 2006 | 2 Comments »

It’s snowing!

And I am procrastinating, so here’s a list of the songs that I have on my “Winter J-pop Mix”:

  1. Changin’ My Life – Eternal Snow (Piano Swing Mix)
    This is a piano version (no vocals) of a lovely lovely song. This song needs to be sung during karaoke! >D

    雪のように ただ静かに
    降り積もり つづけてゆく

  2. Yuko Sasaki – Pure Snow
    I could never leave this one out. It’s just too tied up in winter, despite being syrupy and angsty at the same time.

    Pure Snow Pure Heart ふたり出逢った日も 雪が降っていた

  3. Ayumi Hamasaki – CAROLS
    I’m not a big fan of Ayu (never followed her too much because of her nasally voice) but I did appreciate the slightly more rockish feel she had going with her newer albums. Not that I’ve actually listened to anything since Memorial Address, mind you.


  4. Dreams Come True – Winter Song
    The only English song on the CD (and predictably, sung by a J-pop group). It’s kind of odd souding, to be honest.

    my love for you is deeper than the deepest snows of winter

  5. Ayumi Hamasaki – Powder Snow
    Power ballad kind of thing from Ayu. Also very angsty!


  6. Gackt – 12月のLove Song
    He needs to make a French version. That is all. I mean, he’s sung in Japanese, Korean, English, and Mandarin… I’d be rather amused to see a Cantonese version, too.


  7. CORE OF SOUL – 粉雪のきもち
    It’s not a CD mix from Catherine without a CORE OF SOUL song, after all. This isn’t one of my favourites from them but does evoke sitting in front of a warm fire at a ski lodge.


  8. Garnet Crow – Crier Girl, Crier Boy ~ice cold sky~
    A laid-back track from this group which has been compared to COS (they’re even more laid back, though…) Also the first song where I can’t find a reference to snow in the lyrics! 🙁

    Winter night, ice cold sky
    星空 真冬の花火が

  9. I’VE – Last Regrets
    Recommended by Naddie, and fits very well. It is, however, the second song not to refer to snow. 🙁

    もう 聞こえない

  10. Mai Kuraki – Winter*Swear
    A lot more upbeat than most of the songs on this compilation, some light dancy-type pop.

    Say you want me
    I want you hold me

    I’m loving the English grammar in there, too.

  11. Mika Nakashima – 雪の華
    Lots of versions of this exist, too–I think I opted for the original. It’s a beautiful ballad.

    今年, 最初雪の華を

  12. SPEED – White Love (Christmas Standard)
    A hahaha. Very old, I’m sure. More Japanese girl band pop. 😀

    真冬の星座から 舞いおちた白い恋
    胸の奥に 降りつもる
    心に染みて 涙になる

  13. Changin’ My Life – Eternal Snow
    This song is so good I put it on twice. With vocals this time! My favourite version of this snow is the Route:L version, which is remixed to be a lot faster and features male vocals. Didn’t really fit in the mix, though.

    雪のように ただ静かに
    降り積もり つづけてゆく

  14. Asuca Hayashi – snowdrop
    I haven’t listened to Asuca much lately… Anyway, for this excerpt before, I didn’t know what a だるま was, so I looked it up… and basically fell over when I saw that one of the definitions is “prostitute.” (This snow was featured as NHK’s “Minna no Uta” (Everyone’s Song) and I thought that surely, surely a song that talks about prostitution is not something that parents would want their kids to hear. Oh, and just for good measure, that bear song from Hikki? It’s also a Minna no Uta song.) Predictably, 雪だるま is something much more beneign: it’s a snowman.


  15. ZONE – 白い花 (Acoustic Version)
    We could all live in this video right now, given the weather. Assuming that you can wear a dress, sing and play an instrument in the snow.


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