April 19th, 2005 | 2 Comments »

Why do I feel like I’ve written my Physics exam already?

Oh yes, that’s right, because I’ve spent 6 consecutive hours studying it. =_= One in the SUB, two at a review session, and then three on my own. Again. And I still can’t do a lot of the questions. I’m currently slogging my way through the April 2002 exam.

Think of me when I die from physics overload.

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April 9th, 2005 | Comments Off on Take that, spammers!

Hypothetical conversation between new cellmates:

“So, what are you in for?”
“Insider trading, how about you?”
“Oh, so it was you who sent me all those–”
Conversation ceases as cellmates begin scuffling. Muffled cries of “not… personal!” and “moron … inbox” are occasionally heard.

One can only hope. :tongue:

I just found out that a man has been sentenced to nine years in jail for spamming. It’s kind of nice to see spam being taken seriously–when 70% of all emails are spam, that’s a serious and unnecessary drain on resources to the benefit of few and the deteriment of many.

More locally, the spam comments here haven’t really stopped. I estimate there have been several thousand deleted either manually or by Spam Karma since I first noticed the problem. On the plus side, I don’t think any legitimate comments have been sentenced to moderation, and only a few have made it through to be displayed on the blog. :cheerful:

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March 31st, 2005 | 2 Comments »

Interesting header image, n’est-ce pas?

I don’t know where this French tradition of sticking a fish on a schoolmate’s back came from, but I do find it amusing. We don’t do anything like that in North America. I remember in elementary school, we had a failed attempt to play a ‘trick’ which was actually just the class skipping. As I recall, we headed in not long after–I think we might have gotten bored.

The quick header image change is courtesy of a nifty little tool, Kubrickr, which grabs images from Flickr and converts them into headers. Quick and easy and perfect for slapping a fish on your website for the first day of April. Hum, I might even regularly Kubrickrize this theme. It’s fun looking through all the photos. :cheerful:

And no, you can’t change the theme for today. >D I’m evil like that.

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March 25th, 2005 | 4 Comments »

Ah, there’s nothing that can relieve stress like hitting the mall and shopping and buying things :tongue: I should be working on my French presentation, but …

In any case, I finally got a new watch (my father’s been telling me I should buy a new one for a very long time now). It’s from Fossil and came with the most adorable collector’s tin. I wish I had a digital camera so I could post a picture, since I can’t find a similar one on eBay or Google. It’s got some pixelated fish and a submarine, and one of the fish is saying “YOU WIN!” It also comes with a random CD case, but since I don’t have a CD player, it’s er… rather useless.

Toss in a much more sober blazer and a knee-length skirt, and yes, I came home a rather happy camper today.

And index cards! :love: I love index cards!

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March 24th, 2005 | 1 Comment »

Raawfrf. I screwed up a perfectly doable math midterm yesterday. I had a mental block on the last question and I just couldn’t get around it, so I forfeited 8 marks right there. It’s frustrating because I know how to do questions like that; the algebra-processing component of my brain must have decided to wander off half-way through the midterm and never came back. I know I could have received full marks for that midterm. BLARGHH.

Oh, and I probably failed my Physics midterm on Monday. :depressed:

In slightly happier news, I will be skipping my club’s meeting today so that I can start my Easter vacation early. :tongue: I think I’ll finally get around to messing around with this template and re-uploading the layouts.

Posted in general
March 20th, 2005 | Comments Off on Chébran ? Vraiment ?


J’ai une présentation la semaine prochaine. Le sujet?—“Le français parlé et familier” 😥 Heureusement j’aurai passé tous mes examens de mi-semestre (bien qu’il soit déjà presque la fin de semestre :mad:). Il ne reste que deux rapports de labo (eh, comment dit-on ‘lab report’ en français ?), l’un de la physique, l’autre de la chimie.

Bien súr, c’est la présentation dont je m’inquiète le plus. Qu’est-ce que je sais au sujet de l’argot français ? Et quels livres puis-je trouver ? C’est bien l’argot, pas le registre formel. Je ne connais que le verlan, mais je trouve que son vocabulaire est souvent trop vulgaire pour une présentation à l’école …

Désolée, j’aurais voulu écrire plus, mais je dois étudier la physique , j’ai un examen demain :depressed:

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Posted in general
March 12th, 2005 | 4 Comments »

I’m upgrading to WordPress 1.5. This may or may not be painful. What it does mean is that you’ll be stuck with the new WordPress default layout for some time, until I re-learn how to adapt the layout.

Posted in general
March 5th, 2005 | 2 Comments »

Random art attacks are fun.

And now you can do them online, here!

It’s a computerized canvas, so you can paint something and then email it to your friends. I thought I’d post it on my blog, though ^^ What’s really interesting is that you can see the process. Luckily, it doesn’t record undo’s; otherwise you’d be sitting there for ages watching my little experiments.

Check out my first finished painting. I don’t think I’ve done anything like this since grade 9 art. XD I think he needs some dental work, though. Ah well. The tools are a little hard to work with.

Comments, flames, and saccharine praise welcome. :biggrin:

Posted in general
March 1st, 2005 | Comments Off on Lazy.

Five whole entries in the month of February. I got off to such a good start too 🙁

I actually have no idea why I’m posting this as I have a Chem lab on Thursday and a French composition due on Friday. Oh well. Procrastination rules.

First off, I have a new printer. RIP Canon BJC-2000. Hello Canon Pixma 1500. May you churn out those essays and other schoolwork as well as your predecessor did. I have a feeling the lecture notes killed the BJC-2000.

Secondly, never bother wasting money on Physics labs. My “Pana-Super” 9V batteries worked fine. By the way, does anybody need a few 9V batteries? I have two that I’ll never use again. They’re both knockoffs of some other brands of batteries, but they should work fine for a week or two :tongue:

I find knockoffs really amusing, actually. I don’t think I’ll ever quite get over the fact that my brother once received an “Adiads” shirt from a family friend in Hong Kong. (The font was such that it was really hard to tell.) In addition to “Pana-Super” batteries, I’ve also seen (and bought) “Panaplus.” I see so many random monogrammed handbags I can’t remember what the original initials are supposed to be anymore. Actually, that’s the case with practically all brand names—I can’t remember what the originals are anymore. I did a double take on “Eveready” batteries because I couldn’t remember if there were supposed to be one or two R’s in that name.

Posted in general
February 19th, 2005 | 5 Comments »

My printer died.

Or, rather, the cartridge died. The printer won’t detect it anymore. When I stick the old one in, it makes all the right noises, but I only hear silence when I stick the newer one in.

So, it seems like it’s just a simple matter of buying a new cartridge, right? Sure. Except this is an inkjet printer, and the cartridge costs more than the printer did. The printer’s lasted for over 5 years, but now it’s making funny noises even I try to print with the old cartridge, and…

The cartridge costs around $70. There’s a Canon printer on Amazon going for around $40. Sad world, isn’t it?

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