May 30th, 2004 | 4 Comments »

Michael’s quiz, in particular. I can’t access it right now (Quizilla’s servers are probably overloaded), but I just want to say:

If I get “Walking Alone,” Michael, I will… um… something. I’ll decide later (if I get it as a result.) In fact, I sincerely hope that “Walking Alone” isn’t even a possible result. “Turkeymania” should be there instead.


//edited 04.05.31: Okay, so I took the quiz. And…….

(Go on, click the link, I DARE YOU!)
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May 30th, 2004 | No Comments »

I don’t know whether to laugh at or to be annoyed with my Japanese course on CD-ROM.

First of all, they have animations of people talking as the words are spoken. Problem is, it’s what you’d call “stock footage.” It offers no actual tips on pronunciation and it’s basically just for show, which is distracting.

Secondly, the words are just too easy for someone’s who’s taken one year of a Japanese course. I can pass the “hard” test without even having looked at the vocabulary list for that section (as a matter of fact, the hardest part is matching the pictures.) Some of the tests don’t even depend on any knowledge of the Japanese language. In the section entitled “Countries,” the “easy” test consists of the program showing you flags. And then a map of the general area the country’s in while they say the country’s name. It’s flag recognition test, not a vocabulary test.

Thirdly, you can only hear “Atari!” and “Yoku dekimashita!” so many times before it starts to threaten your eardrums. And quite possibly your sanity.

Although I shall admit that the dictionary program that comes with it is quite useful.

「生きてることも愛されることも 当たり前じゃなかった」

Posted in general
May 27th, 2004 | 1 Comment »

Yes, it is a very special day :3

Say hi to the newest (and [second] last, making me the youngest [so far]!!) member of the Old Hag Club. XP

Thank you guys for all the presents. Love the CD especially. (Like I haven’t dropped enough hints over the past two or three months xD Sorry if I was annoying.) Yes, it is cheesy (yes, I listened through the entire album), but… *kee hee hee hee hee* I haven’t started reading the book yet–well, I read the introduction. And it sounds interesting. Although I think I’ll inevitably (haha) end up thinking of TOK every time I read it. And thanks for truly making me and Sarah comrades with Woodstock (Point of order la~?)

And check out my shiny new Japanese computer course *_* No substitute for a real class, of course, but hopefully I’ll be able to regain what little comprehension I had two years ago.

Don’t feel like doing work xD

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May 20th, 2004 | 1 Comment »

It’s over. Rather anti-climatic, actually.

Papers 1 and 2 for Chem were not bad at all. Paper 3 gave me a little more trouble–if I were smart I would have studied Biochem, since that option had the easiest questions EVER. Consider that fact that I have not had any sort of Biology lesson for two years and I could answer 75% of the questions with reasonable accuracy. But, like a good little girl, I chose to the Options that we had studied–Drugs & Medicines and Environmental Chemistry.

Although it **is** over now, and I’m so, so, so glad 😀

So yesterday we went and strolled around downtown looking at dresses and things, and finally trying some on in the department store. ^_^ That was a cross between slightly annoying (a lot of the dresses were way too big–heck, most of them were way too big) and weirdly hilarious ([“Okay, let’s trade now.”] [“Look! It’s PINK! WAY WAY WAY TOO PINK!” “And it’s also too big.” “Oh yeah.”]) So, in conclusion:

1) There are a lot of garish, tacky dresses with too many beads out there.
2) There are a lot of just plain weird dresses out there.
3) Dress shopping is a hit-or-miss experience.
4) We can walk a lot when we feel like it. xD

Posted in general
May 14th, 2004 | 2 Comments »

The French paper was all right. I could have done better, but I also could have done worse. *shrugs* It’s not a big deal to me anymore. I’m so sick of these exams I don’t even have the energy to complain about them or exclaim over how difficult they are anymore. I mean…. your grade depends on the questions. Really. If you get a question you like, then props to you. If you don’t, then it’s just too bad and you’ll have to make due with the ones you do have.

I hated the essay I ended up choosing, though. “The government recently announced that the budget of scientific research will be lowered. Write a letter to your favourite newspaper expressing your opinion on the matter.” So naturally I ran into all sorts of vocabulary problems. Boo to you, IB French examiners! Boo to you!

Posted in general
May 12th, 2004 | 1 Comment »

Paper 1 was all right. I picked the question about Stalin’s purges. I didn’t get some of the lead-up questions but I owned the essay question. >D That’s right, essay question! I pwnz j00! Mwa ha ha ha.

The best question ever was on Paper 2. Basically, I wrote on Stalin’s rise to power and some other question about the causes of WWI and WWII. Looking back, I think I could have written a stronger paper if I’d **refuted** their assumption… but I didn’t really think about it.

Now tomorrow I have Paper 3 and I am going to die. KEEEEEE.

Posted in general
May 11th, 2004 | No Comments »

I really, really, really, really hope that my printer makes it. I didn’t type up all those outlines about Castro, Stalin, Hitler, and goodness knows what else just to have a faulty printer >.>;;

Please survive. Please, please, please survive. I’m even trying to save ink my printing two pages on one sheet of paper! And by setting my printer to draft mode! Sure, the font looks like size 6 and is quite uh… pixelated, but I’ve got glasses for a reason >D

I am so dead for our history paper. Unless we get Stalin’s rise to power. C’mon Stalin’s rise to power!

Less than 24 hours until the H(istory)-bomb is dropped. *sigh*

Posted in general
May 8th, 2004 | No Comments »

These things will be the end of me:

1) Checking around IB forums to see what other people thought of exams.
2) Finding out the one question I thought I did right on Physics Paper 2 was horribly, horribly wrong.
3) Because I forgot to convert units.
4) And/or mixed up negative signs.
5) And/or fell into my exam-induced habit of not being able to write “in” or “is” properly.
6) Not studying for History.
7) Not re-reading the novels for English.
8) Not listening to people who tell me to study.

Posted in general
May 4th, 2004 | 7 Comments »

For those that don’t know, I’m writing exams for the next few weeks. ~_~ As you may appreciate, no, this is not fun in the least =_=

So if I don’t update, ever, that’s my excuse.

Current exam status: 15/15 complete.


Posted in general
May 2nd, 2004 | 4 Comments »

That’s a lie. Anyway.

I spent yesterday studying relativity and physics in general. The more pratice IB exams I write, the more concerned I become that the multiple choice is based off random trivia. I don’t feel it’s particulary important for me to know the size of an atom as compared to its nucleus. Some you can figure out (thermionic emission, for example) but others are just completely random. It’s not fun. Looked at a practice Paper 1 for English. I didn’t write the commentary, but I did jot down an outline. I compared my main points to the ones on the markscheme: check, check, and check. I think tonight I’ll work on a few history outlines… after studying Latin American independence.

“On your current playlist, hit shuffle and pick the first twenty songs on the list (no matter how cheesy or embarrassing), and write down your favourite line of the song. Try to avoid putting the song title in the line. Then, have your friends comment and see if they know the songs.”

Stolen from {{link Kajouka}}.

Bleh, I will try and keep it to English songs. And songs that I can name lines from off the top of my head, since I’m too lazy to look them up. And songs that actually have words, I guess.
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