Oh yes, I had Link Crew today, too.
{{link http://www.boomspeed.com/ Boomspeed}} has just stopped direct linking for anything other than auction sites. Wheee…. –;; I can only think of one other site that allows picture storage. All others have since shut down direct-linking capabilities.
Now, I know that bandwidth stealing is bad, (and it was in Boomspeed’s TOS) but still… :-\ I mean, most of my RL friends’ blogs are on {{link http://pitas.com/ pitas}}. To get any image on pitas requires direct linking. I used to use {{link http://envy.nu envy.nu}} for direct-linking. They shut down, and their server was always insanely slow. Why? You guessed it. Hotlinking (which I’m pretty sure is another term for direct linking.)
Argh. -_-;; I suppose I could look at this as a challenge and re-design my friends’ blogs so that the use of direct-linking is unnecessary. Or I could use iframes to get around the problem. –;; Of course, then compatibility concerns come in. I know IE is the browser of choice (contrary to what you might hear, Netscape use is hovering only around 7 or 8 per cent, according to the newspapers) but since Netscape doesn’t properly support iframes, well, that’s a bad thing 😛
There are ways to get around this. The most expensive option would be to buy a domain. XD But, I’ve been looking around. Sure, {{link http://www.activewebhosting.com/ 10 dollars a month}} doesn’t SEEM like an awful lot, but I mean, translate that into CAD, add the annual domain renewal, and some other hidden costs (cheques and such) and it quickly comes to… welll…. maybe a bit more than I’m willing to spend in one go.
Unfortunately, my ISP does not provide webspace (although it is cheap at just $9.95 per month! ^^) If it did, I’d have an easy solution to this problem.
Oh, by the way, I have no idea why I’m ranting about this here, I just want to XD
Oh, and once again, this makes me quite happy that I’m hosted. {{link http://www.pioneerproject.net/ PLUG!}} {{link http://www.pioneerproject.net/blog New layout here!}}
Okay, well here I go blogging again! Whee! Anyway…. Went to Link Crew today. Volunteered for A-team. Spent day making newspaper balls. Was not overly happy with that. I still think I was happier doing this, though. Oh! The really annoying part was the waiting for the counsellor and various other people to fix my schedule. –;; Then we got kicked out by the custodian. So… I have to go back, earlier, tomorrow… and I’mm feeling so tired NOW…. Ah well. Went out for bubble tea, as well. :9 Yum. Good bubble tea, this time….
And then, um, spent some time on the computer. Actually, quite a bit. Oh well. ~_~ It’s summer. I might as well enjoy it while I can ;_;
Link Crew is actually a lot more widspread than I thought. I went to {{link http://www.google.com/ Google}} to search for ‘ “Link Crew” blog ‘ and actually got quite a few hits. A lot of them were rather old, as well… most of them were in the U.S. though. A lot of California ones, actually…
I also searched for “disgruntled IB students.” Which is what I’m sure I’ll become next year XD
Not happy right now. But I did take a quiz.
Which Character from The Last Unicorn Are YOU?
Find out now! Only from the Quiz Junkie
Today was supposed to be my last day at Subway.
It wasn’t.
Yesterday was.
Today was cloudy, so I didn’t have to come, but I have to go back anyway, because I took my Subway shirt home ;_; Oh well. I might as well wash it for the next person. (Which I think is James. If he fits XD) But that means I didn’t get to say bye to Lilian! (Oh well. I have a feeling she didn’t like me that much anyway.)
Um, and I got to meet Justin. Who is very quiet and reminds me of someone I can’t quite remember….
Ah well. Bye Subway! I’m really going to miss my co-workers. Ah, the ones that are closer to my age. Not so much Sosa and Rosey and Ying. And Lilian. ^^;;
In other news…. I have been hard at work on the layout for my collective, and now it’s finally DONE!! Whee!!!! {{link http://gemtiger.pitas.com/ Have a look.}} That took a while. IE wouldn’t show my frames for some reason. But they they showed up and everything was okay. O_o;; So? What are you still reading this for? {{link http://gemtiger.pitas.com/ GO LOOK!}}
Which Evangelion Child Are You?
Whee!!! I’m on a Rei obsession right now. And I’ve never even SEEN Evangelion. I’d love to, though. But renting is too expensive. ;_; It’s really not worth it to pay 6 dollars for maybe two or three episodes at the video store.
I saw some Eva stationery at the night market a few weeks ago. My mom dragged me away before I could get a better look, though ;_;
And… I am working tomorrow, and am also stuck on a {{link http://sailoruniverse.com/scmania SCM}} riddle (if you join, please say gemtiger referred you) and I NEED PHOTOMAX!! AGGGH!!!
I’m dying without a graphics program. HTML is all nice and dandy, but webpages gotta LOOK nice.
Speaking of SCM… Blue (my team), Crimson, and Violet are all tied for the silver medal in the flag match. ARGH. *is pulling hair out* and the event lasts for another week! That’s too much time, if you ask me. Who needs nine days to look up thirty flags? I mean, I found the majority of them in about half an hour. My team members, of course, reviewed, corrected, and added to my answers. Sure, some people will be missing the event. But the others will pick up the slack, surely.
*sigh* enough ranting. Is anyone who reads my blog a member of SCM?
I need to re-dowload software and re-install it and stuff. ;_; It’s not very much fun. Like I (think) I said before, Windows XP is not the most compatible uh… OS around. Certainly, it’s not always backwards-compatible. That being said, I still installed some games back onto here. Like Scrabble (I love cereal boxes), Clue (I love them even more), and “Classic Board Games.” Unfortunately, my brother can’t find his NHL 2000 CD, so that might be a bit of a problem…. >.>;;
And….. I have work tomorrow. Boo-hoo-hooo. ;_;
That’s right. **I LIVE.** -_-;; I got my new computer on Friday, after Betty was so kind as to set it up and install Windows and everything for me (whee!) So what are the new specifications vs. the old one?
New: Intel Celeron Processor at 1.7 gHz.
20 GB HD.
52x CD-ROM (and possibly also DVD-ROM) drive.
28.8 K modem.
Windows XP.
Old: Overclocked Intel Pentium I Processor at 233 mHz.
One 1 GB HD; one 2.3 GB HD.
16x CD-ROM.
56 K modem.
Windows 98.
Of course, I lost all of my data. Everything. ;_; I want my files back. How am I supposed to work on my webpages? ~_~ Also, now I have to re-download everything. And re-install everything. Which is a pain, since Windows XP is actually a version of Windows NT, so….. some programs aren’t compatible.
Of course, now my computer seems a lot faster. ^_^ Still! Re-downloading everything’s going to be a paaaaaaaiiiin.
Also, I am quitting my job at Subway effective next Sunday. That means…. five days left to go! Whee! I feel kinda bad because I’m bailing out on Ying and Rosey, but, hey, whatever. I never promised them I’d work there forever.
Also, I learned today that Michael and James (from work) are part of a group blog! SHOCKING! For the curious, here’s the link: {{link http://www.clubstyle.cjb.net/ Club S}}. Actually not too bad. Although you’ll understand it better if you actually KNOW these people (like I do. >:P)
And……. I can now see coloured scrollbars! Whee!!! The computer has IE 6 on it. Which I dislike. I want my old IE 4 back. ;_; And my Netscape, too. ;_; Netscape was good for checking cross-browser compliancy (did I spell that right?). Now I have to triple-check my code. ;_;
And……….. I’m tired. –;;
My computer broke. ;_; So now, I have to wait for a new one to come, and I have to set up the Internet connection all over again. This is not fun. I will be getting a new one, though!
I’m at the library, and must do rounds.