August 19th, 2007 | Comments Off on “ai”, qu’est-ce que ça veut dire?

It has been far too long since I made a layout. Does it show :D?

Anyway, this is really the first time that I have customized a WordPress theme to my liking. The Kaguya theme was styling, more or less, but this one is a bit more adventurous for me. It took a while, but now I’m not nearly as intimidated (to be honest, that fluid center column was far more hassle than it was worth. I still don’t understand why Firefox doesn’t understand the concept of box within box leading to containing box stretching to fit contained box.)

(Sorry for those still using 800×600: I encourage you to choose another theme from the theme switcher.)
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August 16th, 2007 | Comments Off on OMG YESSSSSSS

LOVE (aka Fukiko Nakamura, ex-COS vocalist) will release a single in October.

Yay! ♥

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July 21st, 2007 | Comments Off on one night long

Well, ladies and gentlemen, at 7:15 am this morning, I finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. For those of you keeping track: Yes, I have finally pulled an all-nighter. XD

Coincidentally, I enjoyed the book. 😀

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July 18th, 2007 | 1 Comment »

Sooooooooo on one of my random trips to the mall, I stumbled upon a sidewalk sale of books and proceeded to buy two poetry books. One is book of tranlated Quebecois poems about Paris; the other is a collaborative poetry effort between P.K. Page and David Stratford. It’s this last one which interests me the most: it reminds me of when I actually wrote “poetry” and didn’t wince over it.

I would like to set up a renga circle now, but I have a dreadful feeling this is going to be another one of my half-finished projects. Maybe I’ll just admire the poetry.

Posted in quotidian
July 1st, 2007 | 3 Comments »

This must be the most random set of connections ever. It has to be, to lead to atheist goats.
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Posted in quotidian
June 3rd, 2007 | 1 Comment »

Well, my research on artificial sweeteners has led to some people spouting very bad chemistry indeed. For my amusement, I present some questions from Splenda Exposed and my responses as a chemist 8D (that’s how I look with lab goggles, by the way).

Is chorine present in Splenda?
I have no idea what “chorine” is. I don’t even think it’s a word.

Ah, but chLorine? Well, there are chlorine atoms in the sucralose molecule.

Will the chorine in Splenda harm human health? Who says “yes” and who says “no”?
Again, what is this “chorine” business?

Does chlorine cause cancer?
Not according to some people. If chlorine caused cancer, wouldn’t swimming pools use ozone instead? And what about chlorinated drinking water, should we worry about that too?

Is the chlorine in Splenda natural or manmade?
What does this question even MEAN? If you find somebody who can create matter, please let me know.

Also, what difference does it make? If I make water from hydrogen and oxygen, is it any better or worse than water that I’ve distilled from a stream?

Does the chlorine in Splenda break down in the human body? (At least fifteen percent does—read on!)
I think this question wants to ask, “Does Splenda break down into ‘chlorocarbons’ in the human body?” Anyway, I have no answer for this–more research is needed on my part.

Is chorine a chlorocarbon?
(I still don’t know what they mean by “chorine.”) No. Chlorine is chlorine. (Duh.) There is no carbon in chlorine. There is carbon AND chlorine in chlorocarbons.

What is a “chlorocarbohydrate”? (Is there such a thing? Highly questionable.)
Why not? Chemists make up names for molecules all the time. Why does it matter what they’re called? Molecules don’t conform to, or draw their properties from, our names for them; names are after-the-fact pronouncements.

If we can have “chlorocarbons” or “chloroflurocarbons” (CFCs), why can’t we have the label “chlorocarbohydrate”?

Posted in ramblings
May 27th, 2007 | 2 Comments »

*bemoans the fact that she is sick on her birthday*

On the other hand, I do get to eat green tea ice cream cake.

I was sorting through papers in my room when I stumbled across this poem we looked at briefly in my intro to French lit class, and it seems oddly appropriate for my mood today:

Ce mois de mai tout se resjoie,
Ce me semble, fors moi, lassette!
All things rejoice this month of May
Except, alas, it seems, for me!

(Trans. A. S. Kline)

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Posted in quotidian, snippet
May 14th, 2007 | Comments Off on a breaking of the ice

too busy to write anything about the trip or the concert and in any case I’d like to do it in French which will take a little bit of time time that I don’t have although time is money but hey I don’t have much of that either at the moment I’m dreading my credit card bill anyway I really should get back to my assignment I can’t very well write a letter to Joe Schmo the customer service representative can I?

Actually, the rumours are true: Vienna Teng is an incredibly lovely, gracious, and talented person.

Posted in snippet
April 15th, 2007 | 4 Comments »

… a work term report.

So, I walk into a store looking for a DVD of Howl’s Moving Castle and end up buying Vienna Teng’s Warm Strangers album instead. And for significantly less than that time I saw it at HMV. (Sarah, let me know if you want to hear these two live tracks that only came out on the re-release: “Hope on Fire” and “Boy at the Piano”.)

I have also received my new mp3 player (which, so far, is working just fine) and my massive CORE OF SOUL order.

I’ve also been listening to LOVE’s (Fukiko Nakamura, ex-COS) first release and while it’s not bad, it’s not quite all I expected. There’s also an mp3 floating around of one of Song Rui’s (ex-COS guitarist) new collaboration thingies (it’s in Mandarin!) and I almost like that one better. Except for the vocals part.

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Posted in quotidian
April 7th, 2007 | Comments Off on Research

Candy-related research! And I’m just in time, too.
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