May 8th, 2006
Note to self: Next time, phone before you get all worked up about something.
I’m due to be arriving at the hospital in um, exactly nine hours. That means I have three hours left to eat my last meal (for a month-ish), and six hours left to drink clear fluids. I dropped by a supermarket today to pick up some of those meal replacement shakes (chocolate and strawberry :biggrin:), a sippy cup, and a water bottle.
I still don’t think the severity of this has quite sunk in yet. Well, I suppose it will afterwards, when I have tubes coming out of me and stuff :biggrin:
If anybody is curious about what a human chipmunk looks like, or is merely bored, I’ll be at the campus hospital, and I hope I’ll be awake by afternoon-ish.
I’ll be back soon :happy:
May 4th, 2006
We’re all sufficiently removed from exams that it’s okay to point out the funny parts, eh?
French Lit: Nothing that funny, or weird. We were waiting for exam time to roll around, when two prof-looking guys approach the glass doors. “Oh, there’s our prof,” says one of the girls. “Which one is he?” “The bald one,” I say bluntly. For some reason, this causes them to dissolve in giggles. I don’t get it. :confused:
Nothing else of note happened in exams until we hit organic chem. Well, people’s cell phones kept going off during the French exam, and one girl had a very obnoxious ringtune. Her half-hearted attempts to stifle it were met by a “Could you turn that thing off?” from the invigilator and a brusque “use both hands” from the course coordinator.
Prof: “We haven’t put out enough exams yet. If you can’t find a paper, come to the front and we’ll make this row into an exam row.”
[shuffling ensues]
Prof: “There should be one extra paper somewhere. I know how many we put out, and I know how to count. [nervous twittering from students] Unless we’ve got an extra person in here.”
[pause, students file into the extra row]
Prof: “This is CHEM 204, not CHEM 123, that’s on the other side of the building.”
[The sound of a chair being pushed back. Some hapless first-year has stumbled into the wrong exam. We all applaud him for… I’m not sure what we applaud him for, but we do it anyway.]
Oh man, those crazy first-year students. XD You have to wonder: Didn’t he realize everyone else was studying something different? Didn’t he realize something was weird when he didn’t recognize a single person there?
May 1st, 2006
I love this “free time” concept.
I spent today reading Speaker for the Dead, the sequel to Ender’s Game, and I like this one a lot better. A lot. I hadn’t realized a sci-fi novel could get so emotional; I must have cried five or six times reading that book.
See, Game left me feeling like I didn’t really want to read the next one, but Speaker really invites me to go on. Fun stuff. :biggrin:
I have to point out, though, that I really, really, really don’t think Card is a scientist. His explanation for the piggies’ life cycle makes no sense, unless he’s purporting that their genetic material behaves differently from ours. That implication doesn’t seem to be present, though, as it’s referred to as DNA. And DNA, as I know it, can’t do the things that he suggests it does.
April 29th, 2006
A last-minute-uni-student style note to Sarah, who has officially hit the two-decade mark today. 😀 Zhu ni sheng ri kuai le! :star: (And psst, lemme know if you want a redesign on your blog (I’m thinking Vienna Teng. Or is that too fangirly?) I have TIME now.)
I haven’t looked at my marks since yesterday, which only reported my French marks. I’m really scared to look at my chem marks. Really, really scared.
I finished reading Ender’s Game a little bit ago, and while it’s quite good, I was a bit disappointed–I suppose I’d expected something different. Maybe I’d like it more if I were actually into military strategy and stuff… I’m also reading random chunks from Ender’s Shadow, which I like better, because Bean is a more interesting character overall.
(Rest of post contains spoilers for Ender’s Game.)
Read the rest of this entry »
April 26th, 2006
My fully legal, copy-protected CDs are HERE!
With liner notes!
And photos!
And thank-yous!
And lyrics!
(And an extra little toy car which I’ve lost.)
And the limited edition BEST CD with a bonus disc!
SQUEE! :kawaii:
I’ve got one exam–organic chem left. Knowing me and my history with that course, and given the fact I’ve not really been studying for it, I need to cram the entire course in eight hours. Can you say, OW?!
At least I’ll be doing it to my CORE OF SOUL CDs. 😀
April 19th, 2006
I am having second, third, fourth, and possibly fifth thoughts about accepting that Explore bursary.
I’m really good at talking myself out of things. I’m not so good at talking myself into them.
And in the meantime, I’ve really got to … study for something.
//edit @ 6pm, the next day: Got the medical all-clear (“you just might want to let your orthodontist know you won’t know be in town for a month, though”). I’m heading to Chicoutimi! Now, budgeting! This means the rest of my CDs will have to wait even longer. >_>;;
My CDs still haven’t come yet. How long could they possibly be held at Customs (which is where I assume the wait is)? They’re just CDs! Nothing even remotely contraband! :devil:
April 17th, 2006
I decided to kill a little time by taking a Harry Potter quiz; I have to say, this is extremely difficult. It doesn’t help that I’ve not read the first and sixth ones for quite a few months now (I’d hazard to say that I haven’t read the first in English for years.)
Still, a rank of “Harry” isn’t bad 😛 He did get seven OWLs, after all.

April 15th, 2006
I hear a “Noooo!” from the other room–my brother’s watching the Canucks game–and I wander in to see what’s the matter, confidently predicting that the score is 7-0 for Avalanche, with Joe Sakic and Patrick Roy scoring hat tricks.
“Um, Roy’s not even playing.”
“He’s NOT?! Where’s he playing now?”
“He retired. Go look it up.”
Yep. It’s a sad world, really.
Although not quite as sad as the Canucks on Thursday. I hadn’t sat down and watched a hockey game from (near-) beginning to end in quite some time, but for this one, I had to. A loss like that kinda ruins the rest of your day. :depressed:
April 13th, 2006
Je viens de recevoir un email auquel je tiens depuis plusieurs semaines:
You are the recipient of a 5-week Explore bursary to study French for
the Summer Session (July 2 to August 5) at l’école de langue française
et de culture québécoise de l’université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
C’est vrai, Chicoutimi n’est pas mon premier choix… mais en tout cas, cette programme d’immersion m’intéresse beaucoup…! J’espère que mes parents me permettent d’y aller.
Ca fait vraiment longtemps que je ne suis pas partie en vacances. … :kawaii:
April 7th, 2006
So, I’m reading some stuff about Firefly, and I come across this lexicon of terms used in the story…
shiny – Slang. “Good”, “great”, “neat”, “wonderful”, etc.
(from here)
At this point I’d like to remind everyone that I was using “shiny” in that manner way before Firefly even existed. See second post ever, the post after that, my birthday post four years ago, in reference to some newly-acquired (at that time) Sailormoon merchandise, and finally, extolling the virtues of Greymatter again.
What can I say? Shiny *_*
I actually really have trouble remembering when and why I started using that word as a synonym for “cool,” “neat,” “fantabulous,” etc. It’s not really the same as “quite,” which I know I randomly started using. I’m sure that “shiny” has its roots somewhere; I mean, I used it to refer to tangible things, primarily. Perhaps it’s just that there was some shiny object which was interesting, whose properties became associated with everything cool and interesting.
Does anyone know why the Firefly characters use “shiny”?